What to expect in the initial consultation:
Maryanne's unwavering commitment to her clients is to build trust, rapport and alliance in the first session. This session may take up to 1.5 hours and includes an introduction and a comprehensive mental health interview to establish your unique needs. This interview will consist of the following:
Mental Status Examination
Presenting problems
History of presenting issues (onset, duration, course, severity)
Current functioning (across domains, for example, employment/education, family, social)
Relevant cultural issues (personal and family)
Previous assessments and interventions
Psychiatric history (personal and family history)
Current medications
Medical history
Family history
Developmental history
Substance use
Forensic and legal history
Risk screen (for example, suicide, self-harm, aggression, vulnerability
Goals for treatment
The subsequent sessions will be planned collaboratively. The number of sessions required depends on the needs of the client.